A year in life
(written in May 2016, and for some mobscure reason I didn't upload it until today) I wonder if there's some sort of hidden pattern behind the entries in this blog. Last time I posted something (let alone writing) was pretty much a year ago. Some of the things here are meant to be seen and read by others or someone in particular. Many times, like this, the entry is just a personal ramble on thoughts, emotions and projects. Shortly after my last entry, I finished my lunch box selection of stories, mostly due to the end of my relationship with the person to whom those stories were addressed to, during her lunch hours at work. But I also traveled back home, went on a family vacation, my father caught pneumonia abroad, my father died three weeks later, I stayed in Buenos Aires trying to hold the family business, we got a puppy dog, got in all sort of stress with the future, I shut down the family business, visited a therapist, I met -again- a beautiful person, left her and my fam...