BTAM: Find your passion. Yeah, sure...

I don't wanna go out 
and I won't stay in
get things done.

Kevin Johansen?
or David Bowie?

Often I hear this voice inside of me asking me about my passion. Well, everyone knows that a passion nowadays is something you do and you really, really like doing it. Work on it, spend endless hours without noticing because you enjoy that and there's some sort of hidden source of stamina that makes that possible. It doesn't make him or her a robot, but they could turn very persistent. And when you see them you feel inspired by they energy and vision.

I often see this people and their achievements while browsing social networks, on those rare and occasional high school reunion or similar. I have some disturbing thoughts about that. The same reason as many: is not that easy for us to find our true Passion (note the capital letter). It ain't a minor detail. Seems that most of the people have that crucial first step figured out and they are moving on to the following challenges. Worse than that: they usually say that nothing is too complicated once you figure out what you truly want to do. And after a couple of wasted evenings, weeks, months, you realized that while you try to answer this question nothing gets done.

But, what is a passion? Even though there are dimensions wide enough to cover any possible idea, I will take my chances saying that if you see a journalist, an architect or a carpenter, you might see someone walking their way to it. Not even to mention the cliche's classics (painter, poet, etc). On the other hand, a window cleaner strikes to me more like a first-job-martyr. But again, you never know and I have nothing but respect for that.

In between endless gaps of  doing nothing or three-hour-ceiling-inspections, I tried different things, and found out that mine is more a dilemma than a conundrum. Studied political science in Buenos Aires, and meanwhile enjoyed with the same passion  many other things such as sailing, working in a bookstore (been a "librero"), travelling, learning bookbinding -which I considered as a serious career option-, and most recently working in the hospitality business in Canada. Among many other interesting ones. The problem was not "what?" but "which?".

But I tend to have a pathological behaviour that throws a wrench into my own projects: Every time I reach a point where something is getting promising I just go somewhere else. Scared to things when they get real? Maybe...

This is getting serious and boring, perhaps real. So, before I escape leaving this unfinished, I have to point out that...

...against the poor artist cliche, I do believe that doing whatever you like doing can be rewarding. Specially when it comes to money. Not millionaire, nor living on welfare. Financial suffering requirement for been an artist are not necessary real. No matter how uninterested it sounds, a rewarding outcome is always welcome.

....despite what I said before, even when you have a certain idea to work on, there's still a lot of work that will put that idea in jeopardy and you will have to be strong enough; or start seeking again.

...ultimately I suspect the true path to find your own passion doesn't rely on looking for a thing or something to do. It's probably closer to be an attitude towards life. I haven't found out, but probably those people that I envy and admire did several things before their current, maybe not very convinced that that was the final stop, but they put the same excitement to all of them.

Even after this ranting, have some confidence that if I keep doing whatever I'm doing, eventually I will arrive somewhere.


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